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Develop and Deliver Distance Learning Training to Grantees on Sustainable Financing - IUCN-24-03- P02204-03

The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA)
Requested Type
Posted Date
September 3, 2024
South Africa Office, BIOPAMA Projec
September 30, 2024

**The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) **Programme contributes to improving the long-term conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific regions in protected areas and surrounding communities through the provision of a variety of tools, services, capacity development and funding to support conservation stakeholders. BIOPAMA implements a 21 million Euro grant-making facility named BIOPAMA Action Component – financed by the European Union’s 11th European Development Fund. The funding is addressing priorities for action, supporting activities on the ground for strengthening the management effectiveness and governance of protected and conserved areas. By adopting a landscape approach, these actions also contribute to enhancing the local livelihoods through sustainable use of the natural resources and ecosystem services, as well as increasing the resilience to the impacts of climate change. The implementation of the Action Component is one of the major deliverables of the BIOPAMA Programme, together with the consolidation of the Regional Observatories for protected areas and biodiversity and their Reference Information Systems (RIS). The BIOPAMA Regional Observatories and the RIS provide valuable information, knowledge and data on the protected and conserved areas in the ACP countries, which have a key role in highlighting where actions on the ground are needed. As part of the deliverables of BIOPAMA AC, the consultant will develop and deliver a distance learning training course for the BIOPAMA’s current network of grantees in ESARO. The training will equip participants with the knowledge and tools to integrate natural capital approaches and economic incentives into their work, thereby contributing to BIOPAMA’s vision of improving the management effectiveness of the protected areas in the region.


**Description of the Assignment **
The consultant will work in close collaboration with the BIOPAMA Regional Coordinator and the Programme Officer- Action Component in carrying out this work. The following tasks are envisaged to achieve this:

  1. Participate in an Inception meeting (virtual) with BIOPAMA team to discuss the workplan.
  2. Participate in weekly update meetings (calls) with the BIOPAMA team, as needed during the design of the training course phase.
  3. Prepare detailed modules for study detailing the tools, examples, exercises, experimental games, and case studies for each of the topics to be covered. This will be submitted to the IUCN BIOPAMA team and IUCN Academy for review before the start of the training.
  4. The modules should cover the following topics:
  • Introduction to Conservation Finance: Status and trends in Eastern and Southern Africa Region
  • Understanding Financial Sustainability of Protected Areas
  • Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services
  • Cost-benefit analysis for Protected Areas
  • Economic impact analysis for Protected Areas
  • Economic Tools for Protected Area Conservation
  • Generating funds to encourage conservation.
  1. Make all the modules available through the learning portal, to be provided by the consultant.
  2. Facilitate a virtual call with the grantees to clarify the course requirements, objectives, timelines, and mode of delivery.
  3. Deliver the online and virtual sessions as per the agreed timelines.
  4. Develop and administer diagnostic, formative and summative assessments, to gauge and enhance the learners' understanding of the concept.
  5. Working closely with the AC Programme officer, follow up with the grantees to ensure 100% course completion, and support the grantees to access the learning platform.
  6. Issue certificates to learners upon successful completion of the course.
  7. Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the course and documentation of the final report highlighting the successes and key takeaways from the training.